16 Nisan 2012 Pazartesi


 Today, people who is married rising day by day. A lot of peope think they will happy with their darling. however, when you get married, many things are change. Unhappy marrieage end up with divorce. There are some couses of divorce finish respect and  love, different personality and deceive.
  The first and most important couse of divorse end up respect and love. If your respect and love finish your partner. you lose love in him/her. In the past they didn't see something each other's faults, but ofter serious arguements they can't patient to eacher other's anymore.  People who will divorce about their childeren and they don't want to grow in a uneasy enviroment. As a result, they give decision and finish their relation.
  Second couse different personality. They couldn't see  and understand before get married, but some people have got very different personlity with your daring. People who is see outside their relation says "You are not for him/her." But they didn't see tis statment because they love in to eac other's. When they get married, they  became aware of what say their friens before marriage. In concluding, they decision divorce. 
   Finally, when people lost love to each other, they look an other person. Before divose yhey reltion with other people. So they think love in an other person. Establish relationships with other people, although they are married. Receive the divorce decree, but this does not take much.
   To sum up, peole who is want to divorse much more couses are them.  If you lose your love and respect to your partner, if you have got different personality and if you are cheated, you shold be divorse for this couses.

3 yorum:

  1. your introduction paragraph is well organized, I like it.
    your thesis is also good but maybe you can combine the reasons with "which" as in the following way:
    There are some couses of divorce which are end of respect and love, having different personalities and cheating.

    your first and second topic sentences are ok, but you don't have a topic sentence in your third body.
    In the past they didn't see each other's faults, but after serious arguements, they can't be patient to eacher other anymore.
    think about their children and dont want their children to grow up in an uneasy atmosphere.
    you can express your topic sentence in a better way like: second cause of divorce or the second cause why people divorce is they have different personalities.
    some people have got very different personlity with your daring??

    they become aware of what their friends say before marriage is true.
    ın conlusion.
    they decide to divorce.
    they have an affair with other people although they are married.
    Receive the divorce decree, but this does not take much??

    peole who is want to divorse much more couses are them???

    your essay is good, but there are some problems with understanding it.
    maybe you can enrich your body paragraphs with statistics or quotations.

  2. Your organization is good.You make mistake as write word.Your thesis pragraf is good but you give strong example in other pragraf.

  3. me too like your thesis. Also, you write well to essay. Your examples and viewpoint are different :)
